URBAN-PREX project is concluded on Thursday 31st October 2019.
Entire system for monitoring urban precipitation floods is also available on android application - Urban-prex - Weather
Media links:
europa.rs (Srbija i Mađarska – Zajedno protiv nepogoda)
25.10.2019. Closing conference in szeged, hungary
The main aim of the event was the following: i. Present the outlines of the project, ii. present the achievements of the project, including the installation of the monitoring stations and the online interface of the forecast system. The target audience were the citizens of Szeged, staff and students of the university and generally the media. There were 101 attendees including the representatives of local media.
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Upcoming event: Closing conference of URBAN-PREX project
Friday 25th October 2019 at 9 AM.
Present main goals and activities of URBAN-PREX project from Serbian and Hungarian sides to stakeholders, local authorities, students, and scientific institutions. Furthermore, present deployment networks, results of the project and solution related with extreme precipitation and urban flood issues. The total number of attendees was 74. There were attendees as representatives from 13 Institutions: University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; JKP Vodovod i Kanalizacija Novi Sad; JKP Gradsko Zelenilo Novi Sad; CED Novi Sad; Privredna Komora Vojvodine; NIS Serbia; Agenicija Mon Top; Sluzba za zaposljavanje; KLER Novi Sad; University of Szeged, as well as media companies such as Dnevnik and RTV.
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Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders
Thusday, 17th Sep 2019. 10 AM.
Present main goals and activities of URBAN-PREX project from Serbian and Hungarian sides to stakeholders, local authorities, students, and scientific institutions. Furthermore, present deployment networks, results of the project and solution related with extreme precipitation and urban flood issues. The total number of attendees was 73. There were attendees as representatives from 13 Institutions: University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; JKP Vodovod i Kanalizacija Novi Sad; KLER Novi Sad; University of Szeged; City of Szeged; Moja Zemlja 2020; PS za poljoprivredu; Certus Centar; Fakultet Lazar Vrkatic, as well as media companies such as Dnevnik, Delta TV, RTV and Magyar Szo.
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Erker inženjering podržava projekte URBAN-PREX i GReENERGY
Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders
The main aim of the Workshop organized by University of Szeged, was the following: i. Present the outlines of the project, ii. present the recent achievements of the project, including the installation of the monitoring stations and the first test mode online interface of the forecast system, iii. inform the audience about the further steps of the project, iv. gather the ideas of the participants in order to improve the project results. The target audience were the citizens of Szeged, staff and students of the university and generally the media.
There were 72 attendees including the representatives of local media (Délmagyarország, Rádió 88, webrádio.hu).
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Media links:
Magyar-szerb villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszer készül (Beol, 2019. 04. 25.)
Magyar-szerb villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszer készül (Veol, 2019. 04. 25.)
Magyar-szerb villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszer készül (Duol, 2019. 04. 25.)
Magyar-szerb villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszer készül (Szoljon, 2019. 04. 25.)
Magyar-szerb villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszer készül (Sonline, 2019. 04. 25.)
Villámárvíz-előrejelző rendszert alakítanak ki a magyar-szerb határ mentén (Origo, 2019. 04. 25.)
Villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszert építenek (Demokrata, 2019. 04. 25.)
Hasznosítják az özönvízszerűen lezúduló csapadékot (Délmagyarország, 2019. 04. 25.)
Villámárvizeket előrejelző rendszert telepítenek Szegedre (SzegedMa, 2019. 04. 25.)
Meteorológiai Világnapi ünnepség (OMSZ hírek, 2019. március 25.)
Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders, 2019.04.25
The Workshop will be organized by B3 (Municipality of Szeged, MOS) at March 12th 2019 in Szeged, Hungary.Hold lectures for affected organizations and citizens - introduce problems related with extreme precipitation and urban flood in urban areas and propose solutions, discussion of green infrastructure in urban water management, open debate among citizens, local stakeholders and scientists at the presence of local and regional media.
The total number of attendees was 58. There were attendees as representatives from 17 Institutions: Municipality of Szeged; University of Szeged; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; SZVMF Ltd;MTVA (Hungary) -Media Services and Support Trust Fund; Rádió 88; Szeged TV; Szeged Pólus Nonprofit Ltd.; Colorfull; Szeged.hu; Délmagyar; HUSRB JS; Magister Innovation Office; Csemete; HUSRB JS; Waterworks Ltd. of Szeged.
Click here to open photo gallery.
Media links:
Okostelefonos alkalmazást fejlesztenek Szeged időjárására (Délmagyarország, 2019. 03. 12.)
Villámárvíz-monitoring a Tisza déli szakaszán (M1, 2019. március 12.)
Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders, 2019.03.12.
The Seminar was held at November 7th 2018 in Novi Sad (Serbia) and organized by B2 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences). The main goal of the event is to present current and future activities of URBAN-PREX project from Serbian and Hungarian sides to stakeholders, local authorities, students, and scientific institutions.
The total number of attendees was 124. There were attendees as representatives from 14 Institutions: University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; Public Company for Water supply and sewerage “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Novi Sad; Radio-television of Vojvodina; Radio-television Novosadska TV; Total Idea Novi Sad; Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina; University of Szeged; City of Szeged; Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments; Green Roof Association Serbia; Institute of social sciences; Assembly of the City of Novi Sad; Dnevnik news.
Click here to open photo gallery.
Upcoming event: Project seminar for public and stakeholders
Wednesday, 7th November 2018 in 10 AM
URBAN-PREX project – Tender procedure
The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by a Beneficiary of this Programme, as a part of the project implementation. Potential tenderers are welcome to express their interest in participating in tender by sending an e-mail to the contact e-mail indicated below.
- Project ID: HUSRB/1602/11/0097
- Acronym: URBAN-PREX
- Beneficiary responsible for the Tender: UNSFTN
- Subject of the Tender: Editing and printing service of promotion materials
- Type of procedure: Competitive negotiated procedure
- Link to the tender dossier: ivana_b@uns.ac.rs
- Deadline for submission of the tender: 31st August 2018 (Friday), 12:00 (local time)
The Workshop was held at June 22nd 2018 in Novi Sad (Serbia) and organized by B2 (University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences).
Present main aims, current and future plans and activities of URBAN-PREX project from Serbian and Hungarian sides to stakeholders, local authorities, students, and scientific institutions.
The total number of attendees was 52. There were attendees as representatives from 11 Institutions: University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; Public Company for Water supply and sewerage “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Novi Sad; Radio-television of Vojvodina; Radio-television Novosadska TV; Total Idea Novi Sad; Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina; Gastro Planet Novi Sad; University of Szeged; City of Szeged; UG Novi Sad.
Click here to open photo gallery.
TV Stations::
City of Novi Sad television - Novosadska TV
The Workshop organized by B3 (Municipality of Szeged, MOS) at June 18th 2018 in Szeged, Hungary.
Hold lectures for affected organizations and citizens - introduce problems and propose solutions, discussion of green infrastructure in urban water management, open debate among citizens, local stakeholders and scientists at the presence of local and regional media.
The total number of attendees was 56. There were attendees as representatives from 13 Institutions: Municipality of Szeged; University of Szeged; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; SZVMF Ltd; MTVA (Hungary) -Media Services and Support Trust Fund; Szeged TV; Szabad Föld; Szeged.hu; Délmagyar; BME Water Utility Department; HUSRB JS; Waterworks Ltd. of Szeged.
Click here to open photo gallery.
Media links:
URBAN-PREX project – Tender procedure
- Project ID: HUSRB/1602/11/0097-B4-3
- Acronym: URBAN-PREX
- Deadline for submission of the tender: July 16th 2018 at 13.00 local time
Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders
Friday, 22nd June 2018 in 10 AM
Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders
Monday, June 18th 2018 at 10 AM
URBAN-PREX project – Tender procedure
The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by a Beneficiary of this Programme, as a part of the project implementation. Potential tenderers are welcome to express their interest in participating in tender by sending an e-mail to the contact e-mail indicated below.
- Project ID: HUSRB/1602/11/0097
- Acronym: URBAN-PREX
- Beneficiary responsible for the Tender: UNSPMF
- Subject of the Tender: Purchase of precipitation sensors and AWSs
- Type of procedure: Competitive negotiated procedure
- Link to the tender dossier: stevan.savic@dgt.uns.ac.rs
- Deadline for submission of the tender: 09 July 2018 (Monday), 12:00 (local time)
Hold lectures for affected organizations and citizens - introduce problems and propose solutions, open debate among citizens, local stakeholders and scientists at the presence of local and regional media.
The total number of attendees was 54. There were attendees as representatives from 13 Institutions: University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Philosophy; Public Company for Water supply and sewerage “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Novi Sad; Radio-television of Vojvodina; Novosadska Television; University of Szeged; City of Szeged; University Centre for Applied Statistics – Novi Sad; Office for Local Economic Development – Novi Sad; Company Sfera Srbija; Elight it Company.
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TV Stations:
Regional television of Vojvodina - RTV
City of Novi Sad television - Workshop announcement
Regional television of Vojvodina - RTV - Hungarian News
Green list of Serbia Facebok page
Enviroinment engineering group Facebok page
Campaign say yes to eco bags Facebok page
URBAN-PREX project – Tender procedure
The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by a Beneficiary of this Programme, as a part of the project implementation. Potential tenderers are welcome to express their interest in participating in tender by sending an e-mail to the contact e-mail indicated below.
- Project ID: HUSRB/1602/11/0097
- Acronym: URBAN-PREX
- Beneficiary responsible for the Tender: UNSFTN
- Subject of the Tender: Purchase of ITC
- Type of procedure: Competitive negotiated procedure
- Link to the tender dossier: ivana_b@uns.ac.rs
- Deadline for submission of the tender: 18 May 2018 (Friday), 12:00 (local time)
Upcoming event: Workshop for public and stakeholders
Tuesday, May 8th 2018 at 11 AM
URBAN-PREX project – Tender procedure
The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by a Beneficiary of this Programme, as a part of the project implementation. Potential tenderers are welcome to express their interest in participating in tender by sending an e-mail to the contact e-mail indicated below.
- Project ID: HUSRB/1602/11/0097
- Acronym: URBAN-PREX
- Beneficiary responsible for the Tender: UNSPMF
- Subject of the Tender: Purchase of ITC
- Type of procedure: Competitive negotiated procedure
- Link to the tender dossier: stevan.savic@dgt.uns.ac.rs
- Deadline for submission of the tender: 04 May 2018 (Friday), 12:00 (local time)
Organized by Hungarian Meteorological Society
Click here to open photo gallery.
Presented the main goals and activities of URBAN-PREX project from Serbian and Hungarian sides to stakeholders, local authorities, students, and scientific institutions.
The total number of attendees was 146. There were attendees as representatives from 14 Institutions: University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Science; University of Novi Sad – Faculty of Technical Science; Public Company for Water supply and sewerage “Vodovod i kanalizacija” Novi Sad; HUSRB JS – Budapest; Radio-television of Vojvodina; University of Szeged; Institute for environmental protection – Novi Sad; City of Szeged; Model Art Architecture company; Public water management company “Vode Vojvodine”; University Centre for Applied Statistics – Novi Sad; Office for Local Economic Development – Novi Sad; Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province; Provincial Secretariat for Regional Development, Interregional Cooperation and Local Self-Government.
Click here to open photo gallery.
Regional television of Vojvodina - RTV
City of Novi Sad television - Novosadska TV
City of Novi Sad television - Opening conference announcement
Regional television of Vojvodina RTV – Hungarian News
Regional radio station of Vojvodina
Green list of Serbia Facebook page
Be Eco Friendly Twiiter account
Campaign Say Yes to Eco Bags Facebok page
Campaign The Sort Out Waste, It's Not Rocket Science Facebok page
This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The content of the website is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Sciences and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/ or the Managing Authority.
Sistem rane najave
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nema upozorenja... | |
Early warning system is based on maximum amount of precipitation per defined period, which city sewage can contain. | ||
Each WSN sensor area data per defined period is compared with such threshold. If half of the threshold is reached MEDIUM level is raised. If threshold is reached HIGH level is raised. | ||
Pace represents number of times when precipitation intensity is increased per monitoring period. |
WSN podaci
trenutni podaci | ||||
id | lokalno vreme | količina padavina od zadnjeg merenja | temp. vazduha/u kućištu | intenzitet padv./vlažnos. |
101 (Futog Veternik) | 18-03-21/13:10:03:Europe/Belgrade | 0.058 mm | 7.06 C | 0 mm/min |
102 (Bistrica) | 21-01-23/11:00:00:Europe/Belgrade | 0.005 mm | 0.25 C | 0 mm/min |
103 (Telep) | 26-04-24/23:40:02:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 13.62 C | 0 mm/min |
104 (Adamovićevo naselje) | 26-08-21/01:45:02:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 15.06 C | 0 mm/min |
105 (Adamovićevo naselje) | 26-01-24/11:40:26:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 9.25 C | 0 mm/min |
106 (Sajmište) | 6-01-21/20:01:00:Europe/Belgrade | 0.005 mm | 7 C | 0 mm/min |
107 (Grbavica) | 5-11-20/17:05:42:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 10.62 C | 0 mm/min |
108 (Sajmište) | 9-12-20/00:50:36:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 3.94 C | 0 mm/min |
109 (Klisa) | 29-05-20/11:46:02:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 20.44 C | 0 mm/min |
110 (Liman) | 23-02-21/22:50:01:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 5.5 C | 0 mm/min |
111 (Liman) | 29-12-20/00:05:04:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 10.37 C | 0 mm/min |
112 (Petrovaradin) | 1-09-20/14:00:55:Europe/Belgrade | 34.4 mm | 25.62 C | 0 mm/min |
113 (Sremski Karlovci) | 19-02-21/13:25:03:Europe/Belgrade | 0.017 mm | 12.12 C | 0 mm/min |
114 (Rimski Šančevi) | 26-03-21/07:25:00:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm | 5.06 C | 0 mm/min |
115 (Centar) | 10-12-20/03:00:09:Europe/Belgrade | 0.407 mm | 3.19 C | 0 mm/min |
201 (Rimski Šančevi) | 1-06-23/08:14:48:Europe/Belgrade | 0.001 mm/min | 19.4 C | 88 % |
202 (Centar) | 10-05-22/01:50:00:Europe/Belgrade | 0 mm/min | 15 C | 70 % |
kliknite ovde kako bi dobili dodatne podatke prgonoze o trenutnoj lokaciji.. |

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The content of the website is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Sciences and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/ or the Managing Authority.